Member Contact Update Form

Please register with your personal e-mail address. Employer provided e-mail addresses will not be subscribed as HSA does not conduct union communication over employer e-mail.

Our e-mail list is for HSA members only.

For general updates from HSA follow us on Facebook or Instagram.


Contact Info

Employer e-mail addresses will not be added to the email list

Employment Info

Click here to make changes to your employment information.
Full-Time @

Additional Info


Enter your Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY), e.g. 04/23/1976. No, we don’t care about your age and unfortunately we have no current plans to celebrate your birthday, but we need your date of birth to be sure we don’t confuse you with one of the 20,000 HSA members who might share your name. All records are confidential and secure. If you’d like to know more about HSA’s privacy policy, click here.